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  1. Novelity, innovation, visionary concept/prototype/process for solving a technical and economic challenge in solar energy utilization with photovoltaics, also in combination with thermal solar energy utilization, control/regulation, storage and/or energy efficiency (weighting 40%)
  2. Maturity, application potential and opportunities for (rapid) implementation, dissemination, energy and environmental impact on society (weighting 30%
  3. Quality of the description and comprehensibility of the topic from science to application in a product (weighting 15%)
  4. Contribution and function of the person to be honored in the novelty, innovation, visionary concept (weighting 15%)

Profile for award winner PDF


Adolf Goetzberger-Stiftung
Vertreten durch:
Stiftung für die Region - Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw
Poststraße 3 I D 75172 Pforzheim

IBAN: DE73 6665 0085 0005 5807 49